Calculation in Jmeter in case of multiple Users

58    Asked by ChrisDyer in QA Testing , Asked on Sep 30, 2024

Several users, or threads, are submitting requests to a server in a JMeter test. We wish to determine the system's total throughput while accounting for the numerous users submitting requests.

We calculated the throughput in jmeter as:

Throughput = (number of requests) upon (average * number of requests)
Throughput = 1/(343*1)

When we have many users, the total throughput calculation may be impacted by the independent requests made by each user.

Answered by Chloe Burgess

According to the jmeter glossary throughput in jmeter is not calculated by:

  Throughput = (number of requests) upon (average * number of requests)
  • Throughput is calculated as requests per unit of time.
  • The time is calculated from the beginning to the end of each sample.
  • It includes any intervals between samples because it is intended to represent the server's load.

So, the formula is Throughput = (number of requests) / (total time).

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