Define different types of Acceptance Testing?

1.2K    Asked by ParthJoshi in QA Testing , Asked on Nov 20, 2019
Answered by Parth Joshi

Below diagram clearly depicts the different types of Acceptance Testing.

Let’s discuss each type of acceptance testing:

a) User Acceptance Testing: This testing usually focuses on specification-based testing thereby validating the system by business users. This is mostly performed by the users or the product owner.

b) Operational Acceptance Testing: Also known as Production Acceptance testing. This testing ensures that if the system is fit to use for operational requirements. This testing mainly focuses on testing of backup, security leaks, maintenance tasks and disaster recovery.

c) Contract Acceptance Testing: This is used to ascertain that the software is following the contract protocol for producing the custom developed software.

d) Compliance Acceptance Testing: There are some legal compliances and certain rules and regulations which must be adhered to including some safety regulations which must be ensured has been followed.

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