Define few other testing types and their usages?
Here are some other testing types that are used frequently and widely in testing arena:
◼ Ad-hoc testing: Testing which is done without any reference to test cases or test documents and can be performed by random stakeholders with strong domain knowledge and business flow knowledge of the application.
◼ End to End Testing: This testing is performed by the testing team to validate real life scenarios. Here testers validate how the information flows across the system
◼ Exploratory Testing: This testing is usually done to find usability errors while learning about the application. This is done all by testers, stakeholders or even the business analysts to understand the application and to identify how user friendly the application is behaving.
◼ Load testing: To understand how the application will behave under normal load and at peak load, this testing is performed. This is to ensure that the software works as expected during peak rush time and isn’t impacting the performance of the application. This is a non-functional testing.
◼ Stress Testing: This testing is a notch above than load testing. This is also associated with Non-functional testing. This validates how the application will behave once the load for which the software was designed has been crossed. This is performed to identify the threshold limit of the application.
◼ Smoke Testing: This testing is performed to ensure that the basic functionality of the application is working fine. This is done in order to test that the software health is fine, its like the general health checkup of the application. This is usually ‘shallow & wide’ testing.
◼ Sanity Testing: This testing is performed by focusing on some specific functionality of the application. Here the testers dip deep into the functionality to identify if every minor and major feature of that application functionality is working fine. This is ‘narrow & deep’ testing.