Explain confirmation and regression testing and how are they related.

970    Asked by MilanModlin in QA Testing , Asked on Nov 20, 2019
Answered by Milan Modlin

As per the STLC, while the software is in execution phase, the test cases are executed. There are chances that few test cases will fail and as a result bugs are raised against these failed test cases; developers pick these bugs at their level and fix it up.

Once the bugs are fixed, confirmation testing and regression testing will come into picture.

Confirmation testing is also known as retesting. This is performed once the bug is fixed to ensure that the code fix or code change done by the developers has successfully fixed the bug. Once the retesting of bugs is done, the QAs also perform, regression testing, to ensure that because of this bug fixes or changes made in the code in order to fix these bugs haven’t introduced any fresh bugs in the application and also to ensure that none of the existing feature which were working fine is affected.

Regression testing is performed every time:

a) A bug fix is done by the developers

b) A new change or existing change is updated within the application.

c) After some maintenance work has been performed on the application.

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