Explain Verification and Validation w.r.t SDLC.

1.2K    Asked by RaghavSingh in QA Testing , Asked on Jan 29, 2020
Answered by Raghav Singh

As per the definition of verification, it states – “are we building the right
product?” i.e. all executions or activities (Like reviews, walkthroughs, inspections)  that we perform before the actual product is developed is known as verification.  

As per the definition of Validation - “Is the right product build?” i.e. all
those executions or activities that we perform on actual developed product (like Smoke  testing, sanity testing, component testing, regression testing etc.) is known as  Validation.  

Now let’s focus on below stages of SDLC.

In the above SDLC phases, the actual product is made available in Testing phase
only and all the phases before testing phase, we perform either Reviews, inspections  or walkthroughs. So, starting from Requirement Analysis to Coding (We do code  reviews before deploying the product for testing) phase will be part of your Verification  

activity and from testing phase till Maintenance phase will be part of your Validation

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