Explain when we can use Transition Table?

1.0K    Asked by KiraMcelvain in QA Testing , Asked on Dec 26, 2019
Answered by Kira Mcelvain

In all the techniques we used to perform specification validations be it Equivalence partitioning, Boundary value analysis or decision table, in none of these techniques the output of previous result affects or decides the behavior of next step or next input.

We use transition diagram only at places where every step being executed will affect the upcoming step and its output. For example, let's consider an example of login page itself, if you enter the wrong password for 3 different times, your account will be blocked.

So, in this case, steps you have executed before will define if you will be successfully logged in into the application or will be blocked.

Below is the state transition diagram to understand the flow:

This is State Transition table for above problem:

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