How are edge case testing, corner case testing and boundary case testing different?
Can you explain the difference between Corner Case Testing, Boundary Case Testing and Edge Case Testing with an example.
Corner Case Testing: When the system breaks only for a specific valid input
eg: Imagine a function getchar() that that takes a number and all numbers from 1-5 are valid inputs:
But, getcar(wheel=?) function works with all numbers but fails for getcar(wheel=3)
Edge Case Testing: Here we check that the system handles extreme values of valid limits. For the above example, the valid edge case scenarios are getcar(wheel=1) and getchar(wheel=5)
Boundary Case Testing: Here we check that the system handles boundary values around the edge case values. so in the above example, edge case values are 1 and 5. So, the boundary cases would be 0,2,4,6