How can I design the routing logic to handle the request with different index values?

265    Asked by ColinPayne in QA Testing , Asked on Apr 18, 2024

 I am currently engaged in a particular task which is related to working on a web-based application where users can access different pages based on the URL path and each page is identified by an index in the path. How can I design the routing logic to handle the request with different index values in the path so that I can ensure that the correct page content is displayed for each index?

Answered by Connor Peake

 In the context of selenium, here is how you can design the routing logic for handling the request with different index values in the path:-

Defining the URL structure

You should decide on a URL structure where the different pages are accessed by using an index in the path.

Server-side routing

You can also implement server-side routing to handle the incoming request based on the URL path.

Extracting index from the path

Now you can extract the index value from the path of the URL in your routing logic.

Handle index-specific content

Now try to implement the logic for fetching and displaying the content specific to each page after completing the process of extracted index value.

Error handling

Try to include the error handling mechanism to manage cases where an invalid index is provided in the URL path.

Here is the example given by using the Python programming language along with Flask:-

From flask import Flask, abort

App = Flask(__name__)
# Define route to handle dynamic index in the path
Def display_page(index):
    # Check if index is valid (e.g., within a certain range)
    If index < 1> 10:
        Abort(404) # Return a 404 error if index is out of range
    # Logic to fetch and display content for the specified index
    Return f”Displaying content for page {index}”
# Error handling for 404 page not found
Def page_not_found(error):
    Return “Page not found. Please check the URL.”, 404
If __name__ == ‘__main__’:

Here is the example given by using the Java programming language:-

Firstly make sure that you have the necessary dependencies for spring boot in your project. If you are using Maven then you can include the following dependencies in your pom.xml file:-









Now try to create a java class “pageData” to represent page data:-

Public class PageData {
    Private String title;
    Private String content;
    // Constructor, getters, and setters
    Public PageData(String title, String content) {        This.title = title;
        This.content = content;
    // Getter and setter methods
    Public String getTitle() {
        Return title;
    Public void setTitle(String title) {
        This.title = title;
    Public String getContent() {
        Return content;
    Public void setContent(String content) {
        This.content = content;
}Create a spring boot application class “DynamicPageApplication”:-
Import org.springframework.boot.SpringApplication;
Import org.springframework.boot.autoconfigure.SpringBootApplication;
Import org.springframework.stereotype.Controller;
Import org.springframework.ui.Model;
Import org.springframework.web.bind.annotation.GetMapping;
Import org.springframework.web.bind.annotation.PathVariable;
Import java.util.HashMap;
Import java.util.Map;


Public class DynamicPageApplication {
    Public static void main(String[] args) {, args);
Class PageController {
    Private Map pageDataMap = new HashMap<>();
    Public PageController() {
        // Initialize sample page data
        pageDataMap.put(1, new PageData(“Page 1”, “Content for Page 1”));
        pageDataMap.put(2, new PageData(“Page 2”, “Content for Page 2”));
        pageDataMap.put(3, new PageData(“Page 3”, “Content for Page 3”));
    Public String displayPage(@PathVariable int index, Model model) {
        // Check if index exists in pageDataMap
        If (!pageDataMap.containsKey(index)) {
            // Redirect to a custom error page or handle appropriately
            Return “error”; // Assuming there is an “error.html” template
        // Get page data for the specified index
        PageData pageData = pageDataMap.get(index);
        // Add page data to the model for rendering
        Model.addAttribute(“page”, pageData);
        Return “page”; // Assuming there is a “page.html” template

Create thymeleaf template in a “template” folder in your resources Directory:-


    <meta</span> charset=”UTF-8”>





    <meta</span> charset=”UTF-8”>


    Error: Page not found


The page you requested could not be found.

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