How can I implement a particular strategy for waiting for the page to load dynamically considering automation of a particular web page by using selenium in Python?

131    Asked by DanielBAKER in QA Testing , Asked on Jan 31, 2024

 I have been assigned a specific task which is related to automating a particular web-based application by using the technique of selenium. In this particular task, I need to ensure that my script waits for the page to fully load before the task of interaction with the elements. Describe for me how can I execute a strategy for waiting for the page to load dynamically. 

Answered by Delbert Rauch

 In the context of selenium, you can perform a wait for a page to load dynamically in Python selenium by using webdriver wait along with the expected conditions. Here is how you can execute it:-

From selenium import webdriver

From import By
From import WebDriverWait
From import expected_conditions as EC
# Initialize WebDriver (assuming you’ve already set up the driver)
Driver = webdriver.Chrome()
# Navigate to the web page
# Wait for the page title to contain a specific string (indicating page load completion)
# Adjust the expected condition as needed (e.g., presence of a specific element, visibility, etc.)
    WebDriverWait(driver, 10).until(EC.title_contains(“Expected Page Title”))
    Print(“Page loaded successfully!”)
    # Continue with automation tasks after page load
Except Exception as e:
    Print(“Error:”, e)
    # Close the browser

Here is the explanation given below of the above code:-

Webdriverwait(driver,10) would help in creating a webdriver wait Instance which would wait up to 10 seconds for a particular condition to be met.

EC.title_contains(Expected page title) is an expected condition that would help in waiting for the page title to contain the specified string. This would indicate that the page should be loaded successfully. You can also replace this particular condition with other conditions which should be based on your specific needs and requirements.

Inside the block called try would help webdriver wait to wait until the specified conditions are met which would indicate that the page has loaded properly.

If your conditions are met with the specified timeout (for example 10 seconds) then the message would appear like “ page loaded successfully!”. Then you can process with the task of automation.

However, if the conditions are not met within the time-out or even if there is any exception occurred during the wait, then the error message will be printed in the block called except.

The final block would ensure that the browser should be closed after the task of execution, regardless of whether an exception occurred or not. Thus, this would help in cleaning up and management of the resources.

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