How can I set up and use the selenium Firefox WebDriver in Python?

384    Asked by CelinaLagunas in QA Testing , Asked on Mar 13, 2024

I am currently engaged in a particular task that is related to automating the testing of a particular web-based application that is primarily used on Firefox browsers. In this particular task, how can I set up and utilize the selenium Firefox WebDriver in Python programming language for the accomplishment of this particular task effectively? 

Answered by Dadhija raj

 In the context of selenium, you can effectively automate the testing by using the selenium Firefox WebDriver in a Python programming language by using these steps:-

Setting up Selenium and Firefox WebDriver

First, try to install the Selenium Library and then download the appropriate Gecko driver.

Instantiate Firefox WebDriver

Try to create an instance of the Firefox WebDriver in your particular Python script.

Navigate to the web application

Now you can use the WebDriver to open the desired URL of the web-based application.

Perform the action

Now you can interact with the web element by using the WebDriver methods.

Performing assertions

You can use the assertion method to verify the expected outcomes.

Here is an example given which would demonstrate these above steps:-

From selenium import webdriver

# Set path to GeckoDriver executable
Gecko_driver_path = ‘/path/to/geckodriver’
# Instantiate Firefox WebDriver
Driver = webdriver.Firefox(executable_path=gecko_driver_path)
# Navigate to the web application
# Perform actions (e.g., clicking buttons, entering text)
# driver.find_element_by_id(‘element_id’).click()
# Perform assertions (e.g., verify element text)
# assert driver.find_element_by_id(‘element_id’).text == ‘Expected Text’
# Close the browser

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