How can I solve and troubleshoot the issue of “ connection reset in selenium”?

325    Asked by Deepabhawana in QA Testing , Asked on Mar 22, 2024

 I am currently engaged in a particular task that is related to running automated testing by using selenium for a web-based application. During the time of implementation, I encountered an issue which was stating that “ connection reset”. How can I troubleshoot and resolve this particular issue? 

Answered by Damini das

 In the context of selenium, you can solve and troubleshoot this particular issue by using these steps which are given below:-


Firstly, you would need to check your browser or web driver version. Try to ensure that your version should be compatible. You should also check the stability of your network connection for the application under test.

Potential causes and solutions

You can update the WebDriver to match the browser version or vice versa. You can improve your network stability or retry the failed mechanism in your test code. Here is an example coding given for retry the mechanism:-

Public void retryOperation(int maxRetries) {
    Int retryCount = 0;
    While (retryCount < maxRetries>

Firewall or proxy setting

You can configure the firewall or proxy setting to allow communication with the application under test. You can consult with the network administrator for proper Configuration.

Server issues

You can also monitor the server logs for errors or even issues related to performance. If you identify the error then you can work with the server team to address and resolve these issues.

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