How can I use the “getText()” method in Selenium WebDriver for verifying the text displayed on a dynamically generated element?

686    Asked by DeirdreCameron in QA Testing , Asked on Feb 21, 2024

 I am currently working on the task of automation of a particular web-based application by using the technique of selenium WebDriver and in this particular task I need to verify the text displayed on a dynamically generated element. Describe a scenario for where I can use the “getText()” method in selenium WebDriver and explain to me how can I validate the text content of the element. 

Answered by Daniel BAKER

 In the context of selenium, let’s consider a scenario where you are testing a news website where the latest headlines are generated dynamically and displayed in a rotating Carousel. Your task is to verify the test of the currently displayed headline matches the expected headline:-

First, try to identify the element which contains the dynamically generated headline. This could be a “div” , “span” or any other HTML element.

Now you can try to use selenium WebDriver to locate the element on the webpage.

You can use the “getText()” method in the Selenium web-based driver to retrieve the text content of the element.

You can compare the retrieved text with the expected headline to verify its correctness.

Here is the example given in the Python code which would demonstrate how you can use “getText” in selenium WebDriver to retrieve and even validate the text content of a dynamically generated element:-

From selenium import webdriver

# Launch the browser

Driver = webdriver.Chrome()
# Navigate to the news website
# Locate the element containing the dynamically generated headline
Headline_element = driver.find_element_by_xpath(“//div[@class=’headline’]”)
# Retrieve the text content of the headline element
Headline_text = headline_element.text
# Expected headline
Expected_headline = “Breaking News: New Discovery Made”
# Verify if the retrieved text matches the expected headline
If headline_text == expected_headline:
    Print(“Headline verification successful: “, headline_text)
    Print(“Headline verification failed. Expected:”, expected_headline, “ Actual:”, headline_text)
# Close the browser

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 I am currently working on the task of automation of a particular web-based application by using the technique of selenium WebDriver and geometry dash lite in this particular task I need to verify the text displayed on a dynamically generated element. 

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