How do you build Object Repository in your project?

1.2K    Asked by VaibhavMishra in QA Testing , Asked on Jan 8, 2020
Answered by Ashish Mishra

In QTP, there is an Object Repository concept. At the point when a client records a test, the object and its properties are caught in an Object Repository. QTP utilizes this Object Repository to play back the contents. Coming to Selenium, there is no default Object Repository idea. It doesn't imply that there is no Object Repository in Selenium. Despite the fact that there is no default one still we could make our own. In Selenium, we call objects as locators, (for example, ID, Name, Class Name, Tag Name, Link Text, Partial Link text, XPath, and CSS). Object Repository is an assortment of items. One of the approaches to make Object Repository is to put all the locators in a different document (i.e., properties record). Be that as it may, the most ideal path is to utilize Page Object Model. In the Page Object Model Design Pattern, each site page is spoken to as a class. All the objects identified with a specific page of a web application are put away in a class.

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