How is BVA and EP related?

1.1K    Asked by FedericoFyock in QA Testing , Asked on Dec 26, 2019
Answered by Federico Fyock

First thing first, Equivalence Partitioning is the prerequisite for executing a use case under Boundary Value Analysis. First partitioning of the problem is done and post that boundary values are identified for every class of partition.

Let’s consider an example to understand this. Let’s say we have to order a book using e-commerce website. You can either buy only 1 to 10 books at a time. So, what will be our equivalence classes and what would be probable solution to this.

Equivalence classes would be below zero, between 0-10, 11-99 and 100 -999.

Based on the above partition, we will pick up any class to demonstrate boundary value analysis. Let’s pick 11-99 class. So, the boundary values that needs to be tested for this class would be

  1. Minimum (11)
  2. Just above the minimum (12)
  3. A nominal value (40)
  4. Just below the maximum (98)
  5. Maximum (99)

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