What are the advantages of Page Object Model Framework?

1.1K    Asked by KunalJha in QA Testing , Asked on Jan 10, 2020
Answered by Ashish Mishra

Code reusability – We could accomplish code reusability by composing the code once and use it in various tests.

Code maintainability – There is a perfect division between test code and page explicit code, for example, locators and design which turns out to be anything but difficult to look after code. Code changes possibly on Page Object Classes when a UI change happens. It improves test upkeep and decreases code duplication.

Object Repository – Each page will be characterized as a java class. All the fields in the page will be characterized in an interface as individuals. The class will at that point execute the interface.

Coherence – Improves clarity because of clean partition between test code and page explicit code.

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