What is defect leakage & formula?

879    Asked by shivangiMehta in QA Testing , Asked on Oct 20, 2022

 I have some idea about defect leakage. Can anyone let me know what is the correct definition or term of the defect leakage formula?

Answered by User1 User1

Defect leakage formula is defined as -

Number of Defects slipped / (Number of Defects raised - Number of Defects withdrawn)

Example: In production the customer raises 21 issues, during your tests 267 Issues were reported but there were 17 invalid defects (e.g. because of wrong tests, mistake by tester, error in test environment...)

Then your Defect Leakage Ratio would be:

[21/(267-17)] x 100 = 8.4%

Your Answer

Answers (2)

I wanna know more about this because this is really informative! bitlife

4 Months
Great! This is what I am looking for. Thanks for your explanation and geometry dash scratch which is truly amazing.
8 Months


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