What is the difference between actions and actions in selenium?
When I was going through with the selenium-based test automation project, I encountered two terms which are “Actions” and “Action”. Explain the difference between these two terms in the context of selenium web driver considering their functionalities, and scenarios where I would prefer to use one over the other.
The difference between actions and action in selenium in the context of selenium web driver is the following:-
In selenium, the action class is used in gaining the way of performing a complex user interaction such as mouse movement, action of keyboard, etc. It is used in the creation of a sequence of actions such as click, drag and type, etc.
Here is the example given of it’-
Actions actions = new Actions(driver);
Action action = actions.click(element).build();
Action interface
On the other hand, the action is an interface of selenium which refers to a single-user interaction that can be implemented by using the “perform()” method. Therefore, it is used to create single actions such as click, double click, context-click, etc.
Here is the example given of it:-
Actions actions = new Actions(driver);
Action action = actions.click(element).build();
Scenario-based usage:-
You can use the “actions” class to perform a series of complex interactions. You can also use it for a sequence of actions such as dragging, moving, etc. on a particular web page.
You can use the “action” interface for performing single standalone interactions such as single click, double click, context-click, etc.