What is the use of section in siteprism?

537    Asked by ranjan_6399 in QA Testing , Asked on May 6, 2022

I have been doing selenium automation in C# for almost 1 year. I need to learn siteprism using capybara. When I was going through the documentation of siteprism i can't relate sections with page objects.

I have implemented annotations and pagefactory. But I cannot relate sections in siteprism with anything in selenium.

Answered by Ranjana Admin

Page objects and Sections do not relate to Selenium in any way. They are building blocks for structuring your automated UI test-cases and can be combined with Selenium if that is your test-driver. Seems the SitePrism documentation and examples are quite clear what sections are used for: define sections used on multiple pages or multiple times on one pageThey just added this section concept to the existing page-object concept, applying the DRY pattern seems logical and might be something you would do yourself one way or the other anyways.

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