Can't Use _Queryall in DBAMP for custom object

687    Asked by AyushiKhatri in Salesforce , Asked on Apr 23, 2021

I am using DBAMP connection to Query custom objects in Salesforce from SQL database. I want to query deleted records and when i use the _queryall suffix for standard objects i get that. Howwever if i try that on a custom object I get an error: Blockquote "sObject type 'My_Custom_Object__c_Queryall' is not supported. If you are attempting to use a custom object, be sure to append the '__c' after the entity name. Please reference your WSDL or the describe call for the appropriate names."." Blockquotew hat is DBAMP connection? Has anyone experienced this issue? Am I using incorrect syntax for the QUeryAll? How to resolve this issue?

Answered by Ankur vaish

Turns out to be unrelated to custom VS standard objects. I had Queryall capitalized and SOQL did not like that. DBAmp is the ultimate Salesforce integration solution for any SQL DBA. With DBAmp, you can easily access all your Salesforce data through SQL Server, using standard SQL. Use SQL to select and modify objects in Salesforce without programming. Run reports that join local tables with Salesforce How does DBAmp work? DBAmp can be used to pull data in Salesforce to on premise or on cloud SQL Server. Then the data can be transformed, calculations can be done by executing SQL commands or executing stored procedures in the database. Post the data updates, a load table can be created with the data to be loaded back to Salesforce.

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