Craft tooltips in weather app to explain lightning symbol meanings succinctly.

423    Asked by Deepabhawana in Salesforce , Asked on Jun 20, 2024

 I am currently engaged in a particular task that is related to designing a user interface for a particular weather application. How can I craft or design the help text or tooltip to inform the users about the meaning of different lightning symbols on the map? 

Answered by Jean Claude

 In the context of Salesforce, here is how you can approach crafting the help or tooltip in a weather application for explaining the meaning of lightning symbols on the map:-

Technical term

Use the “Tooltip” or “Hover over text” refers to the help text that appears when a user gives over a lightning symbol on the map.

Coding example

Here is a detailed HTML example given which includes a javascript function to display the tooltip when hovering over the lightning symbols:-

    /* CSS for tooltip */
    .tooltip {
        Position: relative;
        Display: inline-block;
        Border-bottom: 1px dotted black; /* Add a dotted border */
    .tooltip .tooltiptext {
        Visibility: hidden;
        Width: 120px;
        Background-color: #555;
        Color: #fff;
        Text-align: center;
        Border-radius: 6px;
        Padding: 5px;
        Position: absolute;
        z-index: 1;
        bottom: 125%;
        left: 50%;
        margin-left: -60px;
        opacity: 0;
        transition: opacity 0.3s;
    .tooltip:hover .tooltiptext {
        Visibility: visible;
        Opacity: 1;

        // JavaScript function to show tooltip
        Function showTooltip(event, text) {
            Const tooltip = document.getElementById(‘tooltip’);
            Tooltip[removed] = text;
   = ‘visible’;
        // JavaScript function to hide tooltip
        Function hideTooltip() {
            Const tooltip = document.getElementById(‘tooltip’);
   = ‘hidden’;


Here is a combined version of the Python flask app with the HTML, CSS and JavaScript code given in one file:-

From flask import Flask, render_template
App = Flask(__name__)
Def index():
    Return “””

        .tooltip {
            Position: relative;
            Display: inline-block;
            Border-bottom: 1px dotted black; /* Add a dotted border */
        .tooltip .tooltiptext {
            Visibility: hidden;
            Width: 120px;
            Background-color: #555;
            Color: #fff;
            Text-align: center;
            Border-radius: 6px;
            Padding: 5px;
            Position: absolute;
            z-index: 1;
            bottom: 125%;
            left: 50%;
            margin-left: -60px;
            opacity: 0;
            transition: opacity 0.3s;
        .tooltip:hover .tooltiptext {
            Visibility: visible;
            Opacity: 1;

            // JavaScript function to show tooltip

            Function showTooltip(event, text) {
                Const tooltip = document.getElementById(‘tooltip’);
                Tooltip[removed] = text;
       = ‘visible’;
            // JavaScript function to hide tooltip
            Function hideTooltip() {
                Const tooltip = document.getElementById(‘tooltip’);
       = ‘hidden’;




If __name__ == ‘__main__’:

Here is the detailed example given in Java programming language which includes comments and organizes the code into separate classes for better readability and maintainability:-

Import javax.swing.*;
Import java.awt.*;// WeatherApp class representing the main frame of the application
Public class WeatherApp extends JFrame {
    Public WeatherApp() {
        setTitle(“Weather App”); // Set the title of the frame
        setDefaultCloseOperation(JFrame.EXIT_ON_CLOSE); // Close operation when the frame is closed
        setSize(400, 300); // Set the size of the frame
        // Create a panel to hold components
        WeatherPanel panel = new WeatherPanel();
        Add(panel); // Add the panel to the frame
        setVisible(true); // Make the frame visible
    Public static void main(String[] args) {
        SwingUtilities.invokeLater(() -> new WeatherApp()); // Create and show the GUI on the event dispatch thread
// WeatherPanel class representing the panel containing weather information
Class WeatherPanel extends JPanel {
    Public WeatherPanel() {
        setLayout(new FlowLayout(FlowLayout.CENTER)); // Set layout to FlowLayout
        // Create a label with the lightning symbol
        JLabel lightningLabel = new JLabel(“u26A1”); // Unicode for lightning symbol
        lightningLabel.setFont(new Font(“Arial”, Font.PLAIN, 24)); // Set font and size
        add(lightningLabel); // Add the lightning label to the panel
        // Create a tooltip for the lightning symbol
        lightningLabel.setToolTipText(“Lightning Detected!”); // Set tooltip text

Your Answer

Answers (4)

With guaranteed satisfaction, our Model Town Escorts Service will make you feel like a genuine girlfriend and help you eliminate all of your tension.

1 Month

Lightning Symbol: Thunderstorms are forecast. Be careful of bad weather Sprunki Mod and limit outdoor activities. 

1 Month

Keep an eye out for missing platforms as you go through the game; to get around run 3

3 Months

List all the lightning symbols you want to explain. Ensure each symbol has a clear and distinct meaning. geometry dash razorleaf

8 Months


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