Git remove deleted files - How to remove multiple deleted files in Git repository
I have deleted some files and git status shows as below.
I have committed and pushed.GitHub still shows the deleted files in the repository. How can I delete files in the GitHub repository?
# On branch master
# Changes not staged for commit:
# (use "git add/rm..." to update what will be committed) # (use "git checkout --..." to discard changes in working directory) #
# deleted: modules/welcome/language/english/kaimonokago_lang.php
# deleted: modules/welcome/language/french/kaimonokago_lang.php
# deleted: modules/welcome/language/german/kaimonokago_lang.php
# deleted: modules/welcome/language/norwegian/kaimonokago_lang.php
If I use git rm, it gives the following.
usage: git rm [options] [--]... -n, --dry-run dry run
-q, --quiet do not list removed files
--cached only remove from the index
-f, --force override the up-to-date check
-r allow recursive removal--ignore-unmatch exit with a zero status even if nothing matched
According to the official git doc, the following command should do the magic:
$ git add -u
Now, you must be thinking that the question was asking for ways to "remove multiple deleted files", how to add commands will do, right? Well, let me explain.
-u or --update will update the index just where it already has an entry matching . It will remove as well as modify index entries to match the working tree, but adds no new files. If no is given when -u option is used, all tracked files in the entire working tree are updated (old versions of Git used to limit the update to the current directory and its subdirectories).