How can I approach the implementation of the SOAP updates in my application?

292    Asked by DonnaChapman in Salesforce , Asked on Apr 18, 2024

 I am a software developer and I am currently working on a project that involves Integration of the SOAP-based web services. The external service provider has informed me about some updates to their SOAP API, including the changes to the request format and additional fields in the response. How. Am I approaching the implementation of these SOAP updates in my application? 

Answered by Donna Chapman

In the context of Salesforce, here are the steps given:-

Update WSDL and Generate client code

You can update your local copy of the WSDL if there are changes to the WSDL file so that you can reflect the latest version provided by the service provider. You can also use tools like Apache CFX to generate updated client-side code based on the updated WSDL.

Modify the request structure

You can adjust your SOAP request structure according to the new needs and requirements that are specified in the updated API documentation.

You can also update the SOAP envelope, headers, and body to include any new element or parameters that are required by the API changes.

Handling additional response fields

If the update of API includes additional fields or data in the response then you can modify your application logic for parsing and processing these new elements. You can also update your response handling code to extract and handle the new data returned by the SOAP API.

Here is an example given of how you can update the SOAP request structure in a java based application by using Apache CFX:-

Import org.apache.cxf.endpoint.Client;

Import org.apache.cxf.jaxws.endpoint.dynamic.JaxWsDynamicClientFactory;

Public class SoapClient {
    Public static void main(String[] args) {
        // Create a dynamic client based on the updated WSDL
        JaxWsDynamicClientFactory factory = JaxWsDynamicClientFactory.newInstance();
        Client client = factory.createClient(http://url/to/updated/wsdl);
        // Prepare the SOAP request with updated structure and parameters
        Object[] response;

        Try {            // Invoke the SOAP operation with the updated request
            Response = client.invoke(“soapOperationName”, “paramValue1”, “paramValue2”);
            // Process the response with additional fields, if any
            // Example:
            String result = (String) response[0];
            System.out.println(“Response: “ + result);
        } catch (Exception e) {

Here is the example given in python programming language:-

From zeep import Client

# Step 1: Update the WSDL URL to the latest version provided by the service provider
Updated_wsdl_url = http://url/to/updated/wsdl
# Step 2: Create a SOAP client based on the updated WSDL
Client = Client(wsdl=updated_wsdl_url)


    # Step 3: Modify the SOAP request structure and invoke the updated SOAP operation
    # Replace “soapOperationName” with the actual operation name
    Response = client.service.soapOperationName(paramValue1=”value1”, paramValue2=”value2”)
    # Step 4: Handle additional response fields, if any
    # Example: Process the response with additional fields
    Print(“Response:”, response)
    # Step 5: Error handling and compatibility considerations
    # Implement error handling logic
    # Verify backward compatibility with previous API versions
Except Exception as e:
    # Handle SOAP API exceptions
    Print(“Error:”, e)

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