How can I check if the Salesforce Command line interface is installed or not?

272    Asked by CelinaLagunas in Salesforce , Asked on Jun 12, 2024

 I am new in the world of Salesforce developers and I have been tasked with ensuring that the Salesforce CLI is properly installed on my machine before starting my work process. Describe the steps for me on how can I check if the Salesforce Command line interface is installed or not, including any specific command that I might use. 

Answered by Deepa bhawana

 In the same context of Salesforce, here are the appropriate approaches given of how you can check if the Salesforce Command line interface is installed or not in your system:-

Open your terminal or command prompt.

Now enter the command “sfdx - - version” and press enter.

If the Salesforce command line interface is installed this above command would display the version information of the class corresponding to Salesforce along with the the command line interface version number.

If the Salesforce command line interface is not installed then the command would result in an error which would indicate an error which would indicate that the command “sfdx” is not recognized or not found here.

In terms of coding, if you are trying to write a script to automate this check, then you can use a simple conditional statement. For example in a bash script:-

If command -v sfdx &> /dev/null; then
    Echo “Salesforce CLI is installed. Version:”
    Sfdx –version
    Echo “Salesforce CLI is not installed.”
    # Add code here to install Salesforce CLI automatically if desired

This above script would check if the “sfdx” command is available by using the “command – v” and if it is, it would display the Salesforce COI version by using the “sfdx - - - version”. Otherwise, it would notify that the Salesforce command line interface is not installed.

If you want to Salesforce downloaded then you can just add the necessary installation command within the “else” block in the script.

Here is another example given assuming you are using a Unix-based system like Linux or macOS:-

# Function to install Salesforce CLI
Install_sfdx() {
    Echo “Salesforce CLI is not installed. Installing now…”
    # Download and install Salesforce CLI
    Curl -s | tar xJf -
    Echo “Salesforce CLI installation completed.”
    # Verify installation
    If command -v sfdx &> /dev/null; then
        Echo “Salesforce CLI is installed. Version:”
        Sfdx –version
        Echo “Failed to install Salesforce CLI. Please install it manually.”
        Exit 1
# Check if Salesforce CLI is installed
If command -v sfdx &> /dev/null; then
    Echo “Salesforce CLI is installed. Version:”
    Sfdx –version
    # Salesforce CLI not found, so install it

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