How can I check to enable aura component access to fix the winter 22 release?

240    Asked by DavidEdmunds in Salesforce , Asked on May 1, 2023

Can anyone please guide me how to check whether "Enable Aura Component Access Fix" Winter 22 release update will impact my org. If it impacts what changes do I need to perform to fix this.

  • There are few points to consider to enable aura component access fix winter 22 release.
  • This update was first made available in Summer ’21 and is enforced in Winter ’22.
  • This wont affect if you are building a non managed package solution.

This is still not enforced automatically.

Now in your scratch org or sandboxes you can follow this step and enable this.
Things should work fine if you are using the component for NOT managed package development. But if you plan to create a managed package and you are using the component in the subscriber org then it would be an issue as access as public will only allow this component to be used in same namespace.

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