How can I guide my client to refresh a Salesforce sandbox environment?

145    Asked by DavidEDWARDS in Salesforce , Asked on May 17, 2024

 I am currently working on a particular task that is related to working as a Salesforce administrator for a large company. One of the developers approached me and asked for guidance on how he refresh a Salesforce sandbox environment. How can I explain the process, ensuring he understands the steps involved and any considerations they need to keep in mind? 

Answered by David WHITE

 In the context of Salesforce, here are the steps given:-

Log in to the Salesforce

First, you would need to log in to your Salesforce account by using your credentials.

Navigate to sandbox

Then go to setup by clicking on your particular profile icon in the top right corner, then select set-up in the quick find box, type “Sandboxes” and select it.

Choose sandbox to refresh

Under the sandbox section, now you should click on the “refresh” link next to the sandbox you what to refresh.

Select refresh options:-

You would be presented with options like full copy, Configuration only, or developer. You should choose the appropriate option based on your requirements.

Confirm and refresh

Try to confirm your selection and click on the “refresh” button to initiate the process of refresh.

Here is an apex code example given which would demonstrate how you can automate the process of refreshing q Salesforce sandbox by using the metadata API. This code would assume you have a custom apex class “SandboxRefreshHandler” which would handle the refresh logic:-

// Define necessary variables
String sandboxName = ‘YourSandboxName’;
String apexClassId = ‘01pxxx00000xxxx’; // ID of your Apex class to handle the refresh
// Create Metadata API request
MetadataService.MetadataPort service = new MetadataService.MetadataPort();
Service.SessionHeader = new MetadataService.SessionHeader_element();
Service.SessionHeader.sessionId = UserInfo.getSessionId();
MetadataService.SandboxInfo sandboxInfo = new MetadataService.SandboxInfo();
sandboxInfo.organizationId = UserInfo.getOrganizationId();
sandboxInfo.sandboxName = sandboxName;
// Call Apex class to refresh the sandbox
Service.enqueueRefresh(sandboxInfo, apexClassId);
Here is the java based coding example given below:-
Import com.sforce.soap.metadata.*;
Public class SandboxRefreshHandler {
    // Salesforce login credentials
    Private static final String USERNAME = “your_username”;
    Private static final String PASSWORD = “your_password”;
    Private static final String SECURITY_TOKEN = “your_security_token”;
    Private static final String AUTH_ENDPOINT =;
    Public static void main(String[] args) {
        Try {
            // Set up the connection configuration
            ConnectorConfig config = new ConnectorConfig();
            Config.setPassword(PASSWORD + SECURITY_TOKEN);
            // Create a Metadata API service
            MetadataConnection metadataConnection = new MetadataConnection(config);
            // Specify the sandbox name and refresh type
            String sandboxName = “YourSandboxName”;
            String refreshType = “Full”; // Options: Full, DataOnly, SchemaOnly
            // Create a SandboxInfo object
            SandboxInfo sandboxInfo = new SandboxInfo();
            // Enqueue the sandbox refresh request
            metadataConnection.enqueueSandboxRefresh(sandboxInfo, refreshType);
            System.out.println(“Sandbox refresh request successfully enqueued.”);
        } catch (ConnectionException e) {
            System.out.println(“Error connecting to Salesforce: “ + e.getMessage());
        } catch (Exception e) {
            System.out.println(“Error refreshing sandbox: “ + e.getMessage());
Here is the Python based coding given:-
From simple_salesforce import Salesforce
From simple_salesforce.exceptions import SalesforceAuthenticationFailed
From simple_salesforce.metadata import MetadataApi
# Salesforce login credentials
USERNAME = ‘your_username’
PASSWORD = ‘your_password’
SECURITY_TOKEN = ‘your_security_token’
SANDBOX_NAME = ‘YourSandboxName’
REFRESH_TYPE = ‘Full’ # Options: Full, DataOnly, SchemaOnly
# Salesforce connection setup
Sf = Salesforce(username=USERNAME, password=PASSWORD, security_token=SECURITY_TOKEN)
Metadata_api = MetadataApi(sf.session_id, sf.sf_instance)
Def refresh_sandbox(sandbox_name, refresh_type):
        Org_id = sf.query(f”SELECT Id FROM Organization”).get(‘records’)[0][‘Id’]
        Sandbox_info = {
            ‘organizationId’: org_id,
            ‘sandboxName’: sandbox_name
        Metadata_api.enqueue_sandbox_refresh(sandbox_info, refresh_type)
        Print(“Sandbox refresh request successfully enqueued.”)
    Except SalesforceAuthenticationFailed:
        Print(“Authentication failed. Please check your credentials.”)
    Except Exception as e:
        Print(f”Error refreshing sandbox: {e}”)
# Call the refresh_sandbox function
Make sure to have the simple_salesforce library installed (pip install simple-salesforce) to run this code successfully.

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