How can I implement functionality that can refresh the IWC Component?

284    Asked by Daminidas in Salesforce , Asked on Jun 12, 2024

 I am currently developing a web-based application by using SAP’s integrated web client (IWC). One of the components in my application is displaying a list of customer orders. The component needs to be refreshed whenever a user clicks a “Refresh orders” button. How can I implement the functionality to refresh the IWC Component? 

Answered by Charles Parr

In the context of Salesforce, here are the steps given:-

Add the button in the view

Firstly, you would need to create a button in the HTML or UI5 XML view where the users can click to refresh the orders.

Define the event handler in the controller

You can now define the “onRefreshorders” method which can handle the button click event.

Triggering the refresh of the IWC Component

Now you can trigger the refresh operation within the “onRefreshOrders”. Assuming you have a model bound to the order list, you would need to typically reload the data from the backend.

Update the IWC Component

You should try to ensure that the IWC Component is bound to update the model so that the view reflects the refreshed data. This might involve rebinding the aggregation if necessary.

Handling the error appropriately

You can add the error handling to manage any issues that might arise during the time of refresh operation. This can be done by attaching success and error handlers to the ODatamodel refresh call if more control is needed.

By following these above steps you can ensure that the IWC Component should display the customer orders refresh with the latest data whenever the refresh orders button is clicked.

Here is a snippet given which would demonstrate the coding structure and examples of the above steps into a single cohesive implementation:-

// Controller (JavaScript)
], function (Controller, MessageToast) {
    “use strict”;
    Return Controller.extend(“my.namespace.controller.MyController”, {
        onInit: function () {
            // Initialization code, if needed
        onRefreshOrders: function () {
            var oModel = this.getView().getModel(); // Get the model bound to the orders list
            var oOrdersList = this.byId(“ordersList”); // ID of the IWC component displaying orders
            // Refresh the model
            oModel.refresh(true, {
                success: function () {
                    // Handle successful refresh
          “Orders refreshed successfully.”);
                Error: function () {
                    // Handle refresh error
          “Failed to refresh orders.”);
            // Optionally rebind the list if required
                path: “/Orders”,
                template: new sap.m.StandardListItem({
                    title: “{OrderID}”,
                    description: “{CustomerName}”

By combining this above code you can easily create a clear and functional implementation to refresh the IWC Component upon a button click.

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