How can I resolve and troubleshoot the issue of “asyncapexexecutions limit exceeded”?
I am currently engaged in a particular task that is related to developing a Salesforce application that can involve heavy asynchronous processing. Describe a scenario where the “asyncApexExecution limit exceeded” error might occur and how can I resolve and troubleshoot this particular issue?
In the context of Salesforce, you can handle this particular issue by using the strategies which are given below:-
Batch processing
Try to break down the processing into smaller batches by using the Salesforce batch apex. This would allow you to process records in chunks.
Global class MyBatch implements Database.Batchable {
Global Database.QueryLocator start(Database.BatchableContext bc) {
Return Database.getQueryLocator([SELECT Id FROM MyObject WHERE …]);
Global void execute(Database.BatchableContext bc, List scope) {
// Processing logic here
Global void finish(Database.BatchableContext bc) {
// Finalization logic here
Throttling and monitoring
You can try to implement a mechanism that can throttle the rate of asynchronous professing to ensure that you stay within the platform limits.
// Example of implementing a simple throttle mechanism
If(Limits.getAsyncCalls() >= Limits.getLimitAsyncCalls()) {
// Wait for some time or take appropriate action
Error handling and retry logic: You can handle the “asyncapexexecutions limit exceeded” error gracefully in your particular code by executing the retry logic plan or trying to implement an error handling mechanism.
Try {
// Asynchronous processing logic
} catch(System.AsyncException e) {
// Handle the AsyncApexExecution limit exceeded error
// Implement retry logic or take appropriate action