How can I resolve and troubleshoot the issue with the “contains key”?

362    Asked by DeirdreCameron in Salesforce , Asked on Feb 14, 2024

 I am a Salesforce developer and I have been tasked with troubleshooting a particular issue which includes the method of “containskey” method in the Apex. However, one of my colleagues reported that there is an issue when using the method in a map data structure. How can I approach to diagnose and resolve this particular issue? 

Answered by Deirdre Cameron

 In the context of Salesforce, you can solve the issue with “contains key” method in Apex by using the following steps:-

Checking key comparison

Try to verify that the key which is being used with the “conatinsKey” should match the key stored in the map.

Handle null keys

Try to ensure that the map doesn’t contain null keys if the “containsKey” method. If you are attempting to check for the existence of a null key in a map then it could lead you to unexpected behaviour.

Data structure consistency

Try to ensure that the map is being populated correctly throughout the application as inconsistent data population of the map can lead you to unexpected results when using the “contains key” method.

Here is the example given of how you can use the containsKey method in apex:-

Map myMap = new Map();
myMap.put(‘Key1’, 1);
myMap.put(‘Key2’, 2);
String keyToCheck = ‘Key1’;
If (myMap.containsKey(keyToCheck)) {
    System.debug(‘Key exists in the Map.’);
} else {
    System.debug(‘Key does not exist in the Map.’);

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