How can I split a string based on a specific delimiter?

415    Asked by AadityaSrivastva in Salesforce , Asked on Jan 24, 2024

 I am currently doing a piece of work related to Salesforce apex development. In this specific task, I need to split a string. The splitting should be based on a specific delimiter. How can I use the “split” method in the context of apex for achieving this particular objective, and what consideration should I take into account? 

Answered by Anne Bell

In the context of Salesforce, if you want to split a string in apex which should be based on a specific delimiter by using the method called “split”, then you should follow one example which is mentioned below:-

Consider a scene where you have a comma-separated list of values in a string which is called “inputString” and you aim to split it into an array. Then you can do this by using the following example in Apex:-

String inputString = ‘value1,value2,value3’;
List values = inputString.split(‘,’);
// Now ‘values’ is an array containing [‘value1’, ‘value2’, ‘value3’]

In this above example the method “split” takes the delimiter and then it separate the input string into the array of substrings. While going through with this particular method try to ensure that your delimiter should be aligned with your specific use case.

Here are the considerations which should be taken into account by you during going through this process:-

Always try to choose a delimiter that should be not presented in the data to avoid incorrect splitting.

Try to handle the scenarios where the input string is empty or even null so that you can prevent runtime issues.

Try to adjust the code according to the different types of delimiters or even complex patterns.

Always try to refer to the Salesforce documentation to get the latest information and best practices when you are working with Apex.

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