How can I troubleshoot and resolve the issue of a slowdown server for getting records in IWC?

270    Asked by Aalapprabhakaran in Salesforce , Asked on May 29, 2024

I am a system analyst using the integrated workloads console for monitoring and managing the performance of my company’s server infrastructure. Recently, a critical server has been experiencing intermittent slowdowns which are affecting the overall performance of certain key applications. Thus I am facing a problem obtaining the performance records for the specific server over the last month. How can I troubleshoot and resolve this particular issue? 

In the context of Salesforce, here are the steps given that you can follow for troubleshooting your issue:-

Log into IWC

Firstly, you would need to access the integrated workloads console by using your administrator Credentials.

Navigate to the monitoring section

Now you should locate and open the monitoring or performance section where the server's metrics are tracked.

Select the servers

Now you can identify and then select the critical server in the question from the list of the monitored servers.

Specify the timeframe

You can set the time frame for the past month in the date range filter.

Running the queries

Now you can implement the query to retrieve the performance records for the selected server and the period.

If you want to tackle the slowdown then consider these steps:-

You can optimize then you can work with the developers to optimize the code and reduce resource consumption.

You can upgrade the hardware which would help in fasting the things for you.

You should also update the network infrastructure or optimization of the data transfer process.

You can also implement load balancing to distribute the workload more evenly across servers.

You can set up alerts for the key metrics for detecting and addressing the issues proactively.

Here is the example given below which would Demonstrate how you can retrieve the performance records from the IWC by using python programming language:-

Import requests
From datetime import datetime, timedelta
# Define IWC API endpoint and credentials
Api_url = ‘’
Api_key = ‘your_api_key’
Server_id = ‘critical_server_id’
# Calculate start and end dates for the past month
End_date =
Start_date = end_date – timedelta(days=30)
# Format dates in ISO 8601 format
Start_date_iso = start_date.isoformat()
End_date_iso = end_date.isoformat()
# Construct the API endpoint URL for performance records
Performance_url = f’{api_url}/servers/{server_id}/performance’
Headers = {‘Authorization’: f’Bearer {api_key}’}
Params = {‘start_date’: start_date_iso, ‘end_date’: end_date_iso}
    # Make GET request to retrieve performance records
    Response = requests.get(performance_url, headers=headers, params=params)
    Response.raise_for_status() # Raise an exception if response status is not 2xx
    # Extract performance records from JSON response
    Performance_records = response.json()
    # Print or process the performance records as needed
Except requests.exceptions.HTTPError as err:
    Print(f”HTTP Error: {err}”)
Except requests.exceptions.RequestException as err:
    Print(f”Request Exception: {err}”)
Except ValueError as err:
    Print(f”Error parsing JSON: {err}”)
Except Exception as err:
    Print(f”An unexpected error occurred: {err}”)

Question:-How can I troubleshoot and resolve the issue of keyword padding within the IWMS ?

Question Description:-I am currently assigned as a facility manager at a large corporate office using an integrated workspace system (IWMS) for the purpose of managing the real estate if the company. I have been tasked with improving the search functionality within the system for the purpose of ensuring that employees should quickly can find information about workspace availability, maintenance and allocation of the resources. However, some are facing difficulties in this processdue to the unrelated keyword to the workspace discription. How can I troubleshoot and resolve this particular issue?

Keyword:- padding in IWC/ Salesforce

Answer:-In the context of Salesforce, here are the steps given:-

1. Analysis of search logs

Firstly, you should try to use the SQL queries for the purpose of analysing search logs and identifying frequently searched items with low relevance scores.

2. Detecting high keyword density

You can create a script which can calculate keyword density in description and logs.

3. Conduct random audit

You can also try Random audit for the purpose of Manual review. For this you just try to choose random entries for review.

4. Develop guidelines

You can create a document which can outline the acceptable keyword practices and distribute it to all the users.

5. Keyword moderation system

You can implement a review system where the new entries are checked for the keyword padding before being published.

6. Adjust search algorithm

You can easily modify the search algorithm for the purpose of reducing the weight of excessively dense keyword.

7. Educate employees

You can also conduct training session and then create informational materials which can explain the impact of the keyword padding.

8. Keyword moderation system

You can implement a review system where the new entries should be checked for the keyword padding before being published.

Import java.util.HashMap;
Import java.util.Map;
Public class IWMSImprovement {
   Public static void main(String[] args) {
       // Sample data
       Map documents = new HashMap<>();
       Documents.put(“doc1”, “This is a workspace with ample padding padding padding.”);
       Documents.put(“doc2”, “Workspace with modern amenities and open seating.”);
       String[] keywords = {“workspace”, “padding”};
       // Create instances
       SearchAlgorithm searchAlgorithm = new SearchAlgorithm();
       // Rank documents
       Map rankedDocuments = searchAlgorithm.rankDocuments(documents, keywords);
       // Display results
       For (Map.Entry entry : rankedDocuments.entrySet()) {
           System.out.println(“Document: “ + entry.getKey() + “, Relevance: “ + entry.getValue());
       // Example keyword density check
       KeywordDensityChecker keywordDensityChecker = new KeywordDensityChecker();
       For (String keyword : keywords) {
           For (Map.Entry entry : documents.entrySet()) {
               Double density = keywordDensityChecker.calculateKeywordDensity(entry.getValue(), keyword);
               System.out.println(“Document: “ + entry.getKey() + “, Keyword: “ + keyword + “, Density: “ + density);
Class KeywordDensityChecker {
   Public double calculateKeywordDensity(String text, String keyword) {
       String[] words = text.split(\s+);
       Int keywordCount = 0;
       For (String word : words) {
           If (word.equalsIgnoreCase(keyword)) {
       Return (double) keywordCount / words.length;
Class SearchAlgorithm {
   Private KeywordDensityChecker keywordDensityChecker = new KeywordDensityChecker();
   Public double calculateRelevance(String description, String[] keywords) {
       Double relevance = 0.0;
       For (String keyword : keywords) {
           Double density = keywordDensityChecker.calculateKeywordDensity(description, keyword);
           If (density > 0.05) { // Adjust the threshold as needed
               Density = 0.05; // Cap the density to reduce keyword padding impact
           Relevance += density;
       Return relevance / keywords.length;
   Public Map rankDocuments(Map documents, String[] keywords) {
       Map rankedDocuments = new HashMap<>();
       For (Map.Entry entry : documents.entrySet()) {
           Double relevance = calculateRelevance(entry.getValue(), keywords);
           rankedDocuments.put(entry.getKey(), relevance);
       Return rankedDocuments;

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