How can I troubleshoot and resolve the issue of “future method cannot be called from a future or batch method”?
I am a Salesforce developer and I am currently working on a project that involves Integration of the external APIs by using asynchronous processing in Salesforce. During the time of implementation of a future method for handling the API callback, I encountered a specific error that stated that “ Future method cannot be called from a future or batch method”. How can I troubleshoot and resolve this particular issue?
In the context of Salesforce, here are the appropriate approaches given of how you can troubleshoot and resolve this particular issue:-
Avoiding nested asynchronous calls
You can refactor your code to avoid calling future methods from within other future methods or even batch processing. Instead of designing your code for invoking the future method from a synchronous context, such as a trigger handler or controller method.
Separate apex consideration
If you are working with batch processing, then you should ensure that you do not call future methods from within the “start”, “execute” or “finish” method as a batch class. You can use the method from outside the batch context instead of using a future method.
Using Queueqble apex
You can also consider using the Queueqble apex for asynchronous processing with Salesforce. Queueqble jobs can provide more flexibility and also it has more control over the execution as compared to the future method and can be queued from both synchronous and asynchronous contexts.
Here is an example given below of how you can refactor your coding to avoid calling future methods from within other future methods or batch processing:-
Public class MyAsyncHandler {
// Define a future method for asynchronous processing
Public static void processAsync(String param) {
// Perform asynchronous logic here
System.debug(‘Async Process Started with Param: ‘ + param);
// Define a batch class for batch processing
Global class MyBatch implements Database.Batchable {
Global Database.QueryLocator start(Database.BatchableContext bc) {
// Query records for processing in the batch
Return Database.getQueryLocator(‘SELECT Id FROM Account’);
Global void execute(Database.BatchableContext bc, List scope) {
// Process batch records
For (sObject record : scope) {
// Avoid calling future method from batch execute method
System.debug(‘Batch Record Id: ‘ + record.Id);
Global void finish(Database.BatchableContext bc) {
// Finish batch processing
System.debug(‘Batch Process Finished’);
// Method to handle synchronous logic and invoke future method
Public static void handleSyncAndInvokeFuture() {
// Perform synchronous logic
System.debug(‘Sync Logic Started’);
// Invoke future method from a synchronous context
System.debug(‘Sync Logic Finished’);
Here is the example by using the Python programming language:-
From simple_salesforce import Salesforce
From simple_salesforce.exceptions import SalesforceGeneralError
# Initialize Salesforce connection
Sf = Salesforce(username=’your_username’, password=’your_password’, security_token=’your_security_token’)
# Define a future method for asynchronous processing
Def process_async(param):
Sf.apexecute(‘AsyncApexJob’, ‘post’, data={‘param’: param}) # Placeholder for future method invocation
Print(‘Async Process Started with Param:’, param)
Except SalesforceGeneralError as e:
Print(‘Error calling future method:’, e)
# Define a batch class for batch processing
Class MyBatch(object):
Def __init__(self):
Def start(self):
# Query records for processing in the batch
Return sf.query_all(‘SELECT Id FROM Account’)[‘records’]
Def execute(self, scope):
# Process batch records
For record in scope:
# Avoid calling future method from batch execute method
Print(‘Batch Record Id:’, record[‘Id’])
Def finish(self):
# Finish batch processing
Print(‘Batch Process Finished’)
# Method to handle synchronous logic and invoke future method
Def handle_sync_and_invoke_future():
# Perform synchronous logic
Print(‘Sync Logic Started’)
# Invoke future method from a synchronous context
Print(‘Sync Logic Finished’)
Except SalesforceGeneralError as e:
Print(‘Error handling sync and invoking future:’, e)
# Example usage
If __name__ == ‘__main__’:
# Initialize batch class instance
Batch = MyBatch()
# Handle synchronous logic and invoke future method
# Start batch processing
Batch_scope = batch.start()
# Execute batch processing
# Finish batch processing