How can I troubleshoot and resolve the issue of keyword padding within the IWMS?

157    Asked by DavidPiper in Salesforce , Asked on May 30, 2024

 I am currently assigned as a facility manager at a large corporate office using an integrated workspace system (IWMS) to manage the real estate company. I have been tasked with improving the search functionality within the system to ensure that employees can quickly find information about workspace availability, maintenance, and allocation of resources. However, some are facing difficulties in this process due to the unrelated keyword to the workspace description. How can I troubleshoot and resolve this particular issue? 

Answered by Donna Chapman

In the context of Salesforce, here are the steps given:-

1. Analysis of search logs

Firstly, you should try to use SQL queries to analyze search logs and identify frequently searched items with low relevance scores.

2. Detecting high keyword density

You can create a script that can calculate keyword density in descriptions and logs.

3. Conduct random audit

You can also try Random audits for Manual review. For this, you just try to choose random entries for review.

4. Develop guidelines

You can create a document that outlines the acceptable keyword practices and distribute it to all the users.

5. Keyword moderation system

You can implement a review system where the new entries are checked for the keyword padding before being published.

6. Adjust search algorithm

You can easily modify the search algorithm to reduce the weight of excessively dense keywords.

7. Educate employees

You can also conduct training sessions and then create informational materials which can explain the impact of the keyword padding.

8. Keyword moderation system

You can implement a review system where the new entries should be checked for keyword padding before being published.

Import java.util.HashMap;
Import java.util.Map;
Public class IWMSImprovement {
   Public static void main(String[] args) {
       // Sample data
       Map documents = new HashMap<>();
       Documents.put(“doc1”, “This is a workspace with ample padding padding padding.”);
       Documents.put(“doc2”, “Workspace with modern amenities and open seating.”);
       String[] keywords = {“workspace”, “padding”};
       // Create instances
       SearchAlgorithm searchAlgorithm = new SearchAlgorithm();
       // Rank documents
       Map rankedDocuments = searchAlgorithm.rankDocuments(documents, keywords);
       // Display results
       For (Map.Entry entry : rankedDocuments.entrySet()) {
           System.out.println(“Document: “ + entry.getKey() + “, Relevance: “ + entry.getValue());
       // Example keyword density check
       KeywordDensityChecker keywordDensityChecker = new KeywordDensityChecker();
       For (String keyword : keywords) {
           For (Map.Entry entry : documents.entrySet()) {
               Double density = keywordDensityChecker.calculateKeywordDensity(entry.getValue(), keyword);
               System.out.println(“Document: “ + entry.getKey() + “, Keyword: “ + keyword + “, Density: “ + density);
Class KeywordDensityChecker {
   Public double calculateKeywordDensity(String text, String keyword) {
       String[] words = text.split(\s+);
       Int keywordCount = 0;
       For (String word : words) {
           If (word.equalsIgnoreCase(keyword)) {
       Return (double) keywordCount / words.length;
Class SearchAlgorithm {
   Private KeywordDensityChecker keywordDensityChecker = new KeywordDensityChecker();
   Public double calculateRelevance(String description, String[] keywords) {
       Double relevance = 0.0;
       For (String keyword : keywords) {
           Double density = keywordDensityChecker.calculateKeywordDensity(description, keyword);
           If (density > 0.05) { // Adjust the threshold as needed
               Density = 0.05; // Cap the density to reduce keyword padding impact
           Relevance += density;
       Return relevance / keywords.length;
   Public Map rankDocuments(Map documents, String[] keywords) {
       Map rankedDocuments = new HashMap<>();
       For (Map.Entry entry : documents.entrySet()) {
           Double relevance = calculateRelevance(entry.getValue(), keywords);
           rankedDocuments.put(entry.getKey(), relevance);
       Return rankedDocuments;

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