How can I troubleshoot and resolve the issue of not refreshing the web Component?

173    Asked by Dadhijaraj in Salesforce , Asked on Jun 6, 2024

 I am a Salesforce developer and I am currently engaged in a particular task that is related to working on a lightning web Component that can display a list of all accounts. This component can allow the users to update account information directly from the list. After an account is updated, the display list should refresh to show the latest information. However, I have noticed that the data displayed does not automatically refresh. How can I use the “refreshApex” function to solve this problem?

Answered by Charles Parr

 In the context of Salesforce, you can use the refreshApex to refresh the results of a wire service. This would ensure that the component displays the most up-to-date data after the changes are committed.

The refreshApex usually takes a wired property as an argument, which can hold the results of a wire service call. By invoking refreshApex the cache if the wire service call is cleared and then the data is re-fetched from the server.

Coding implementation

  1. Import the required modules and the apex method first.
  2. Now you can use the @wire decorators for wiring the apex method which can fetch the account data.
  3. Invoke the refresh apex after the data update with the wired result to refresh the data.
  4. The @track decorator would help in ensuring that the changes to “this account” are reactive, causing the component to re-render when the data changes.

Here is a complete code example given below:-

Import { LightningElement, wire, track } from ‘lwc’;
Import { refreshApex } from ‘@salesforce/apex’;
Import getAccounts from ‘@salesforce/apex/AccountController.getAccounts’;
Export default class AccountList extends LightningElement {
    @track accounts; // Track the list of accounts
    wiredAccountsResult; // Store the result of the wire service
    // Wire the Apex method to fetch accounts
    wiredAccounts(result) {
        this.wiredAccountsResult = result; // Store the result to use with refreshApex
        if ( {
            this.accounts =; // Update the tracked property with fetched data
        } else if (result.error) {
            // Handle error if any
    // Method to handle account update
    handleAccountUpdate() {
        // Logic to update the account goes here
        // …
        // Refresh the Apex call to get the latest data

By following this above approach you can easily ensure that the lightning web Component should always display the latest data after any updates, maintaining the data consistency and integrity.

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