How can I troubleshoot and resolve the “keyword must index out of bound O” issue?

268    Asked by debbieJha in Salesforce , Asked on May 24, 2024

I am currently developing a program that can process a user input for creating w keyword list. One of my users reported an issue where they are encountering a “keyword list index out of bound O” error. How can I troubleshoot and resolve this particular issue? 

Answered by jacackky

 In the context of Salesforce, Here are the appropriate approach given:-

Error identification

Firstly, you would need to identify the error and whether it is indeed related to accessing an element at index O in a keyword list or arrays. You can check the line of code where this error occurred and then verify the context of the list array usage.

Checking initialization

Try to ensure that the keyword list or array is properly initialized before trying to access its element. If the list or array is empty or even uninitialized you can initialize it with the values or populate it with the data before accessing the elements.

Index validation

Before trying to access an element at index O, you should try to validate that the indexes are within the bounds of the list or array.

Error handling

You can try to implement the error handling mechanism such as try-catch blocks so that you can gracefully handle index out-of-bound errors. This would ensure that your particular program doesn’t crash unexpectedly when such errors occur.

Here is the coding structure given and examples of the above steps in Python programming language:-


    # Assume user_input is a list of keywords provided by the user
    User_input = [] # Initialize an empty list
    # Populate the list or initialize it based on your logic
    # For demonstration, let’s add some keywords
    If len(user_input) > 0:
        # Access element at index 0 safely
        First_keyword = user_input[0]
        Print(“First keyword:”, first_keyword)
        # Handle case when list is empty
        Print(“Keyword list is empty.”)

Except IndexError:

    # Handle the index out of bounds error
    Print(“Error: Keyword list index out of bounds 0.”)
Except Exception as e:
    # Handle any other exceptions
    Print(“Error:”, e)
Here is the structure given in java programming language:-
Import java.util.ArrayList;
Public class KeywordListExample {
    Public static void main(String[] args) {
        Try {
            ArrayList keywordList = new ArrayList<>(); // Initialize an empty ArrayList
            // Populate the list or initialize it based on your logic
            // For demonstration, let’s add some keywords
            if (!keywordList.isEmpty()) {
                // Access element at index 0 safely
                String firstKeyword = keywordList.get(0);
                System.out.println(“First keyword: “ + firstKeyword);
            } else {
                // Handle case when list is empty
                System.out.println(“Keyword list is empty.”);
        } catch (IndexOutOfBoundsException e) {
            // Handle the index out of bounds error
            System.out.println(“Error: Keyword list index out of bounds 0.”);
        } catch (Exception e) {
            // Handle any other exceptions
            System.out.println(“Error: “ + e.getMessage());

Here is the HTML example given where you might display an error message related to such an error on a webpage:-

    <meta</span> charset=”UTF-8”>

    <meta</span> name=”viewport” content=”width=device-width, initial-scale=1.0”>

    Error Handling Example

    Error Handling Example



        Try {
            // Assume keywordList is an array or list
            Var keywordList = [];
            // Simulate accessing element at index 0
            Var firstKeyword = keywordList[0]; // This line would cause an error
            // Display first keyword if no error occurs
            Document.getElementById(“error-message”).textContent = “First keyword: “ + firstKeyword;
        } catch (error) {
            // Handle the index out of bounds error
            Document.getElementById(“error-message”).textContent = “Error: Keyword list index out of bounds 0.”;


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