How can I troubleshoot the issue message of “ no applicable approval process was found”?

565    Asked by Bhaanumatishukla in Salesforce , Asked on Jan 25, 2024

I am currently engaged in developing a particular software. In this particular task, I encountered a scenario where I was getting an issue message that was showing “ no applicable approval process was found” while I was trying to deploy a new application. How can I troubleshoot this particular issue? 

In the context of Salesforce, if you are getting the issue message of “ no applicable approval process was found” during the deployment of a new application then you can follow the following steps for troubleshooting this particular issue:-

Checking the configuration of files

Firstly, you would need to check the Configuration of files such as YAML, and JSON to ensure proper definitions are presented or not.

Verifying build scripts

Try to verify whether the build scripts such as gradle and maven are defining the appropriate deployment process or not.

Review of CI/CD pipeline

Also, look at the continuous integration/continuous deployment pipeline to ensure that it is configured to trigger the appropriate deployment process.

Validate deployment target

Try to ensure the deployment target such as a server, or container orchestration platform. Try to verify that these are correctly specified and reachable or not.

Debug logs

Try to examine the deployment logs to get the details or insights of an error message, stack traces, or any indication of misconfiguration.

Here is the coding given which might include checking and adjusting configurations like:-

# Example YAML configuration file

  Process: app_deploy
Or in a build scripts
// Example Gradle build script
Task appDeploy {
    // deployment steps 

}By using these above methods one can easily pinpoint and rectify the issue message during the application of the deployment process.

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