How can I use “list.contains”?

255    Asked by DanielCameron in Salesforce , Asked on Feb 14, 2024

 I am a Salesforce developer and I am currently working on a particular task that is related to the implementation of a feature that can allow users to search for employees based on their department. Explain to me how can I use the “list.contains” feature for this particular task. 

Answered by Bharati

 In the context of Salesforce, you can use the list.contains a feature in Apex for searching the employees based on their department by using the several points or steps which are given below:-


The particular “list.contains” method used in apex can be used in determining whether a list contains specific values. It would return “true” if the list had the specified value, otherwise, it would show “false”.


You can retrieve the list of the employee's record, typically from a query or another data source.

You can use the “list.contains” method to check bid the department value exists or not within the list of employee records. You can handle any possible errors, such as values or unexpected data types to ensure the strongness of the code.

Here is an example given of how you can use the “list.contains” in apex for checking if a department exists within a list of employees records:

// Retrieve list of employee records (assuming it’s already populated)
List employeeList = [SELECT Id, Name, Department__c FROM Employee__c WHERE …];
// Specify the department to search for
String departmentToSearch = ‘Sales’;
// Check if the department exists in the list of employee records
Boolean departmentExists = false;
For(Employee__c emp : employeeList) {
    If(emp.Department__c == departmentToSearch) {
        departmentExists = true;
// Alternative approach using List.contains method
Boolean departmentExistsAlt = employeeList.contains(new Employee__c(Department__c = departmentToSearch));
// Handle the result accordingly
If(departmentExists) {
    System.debug(‘Department exists in the list.’);
} else {
    System.debug(‘Department does not exist in the list.’);
If(departmentExistsAlt) {
    System.debug(‘Department exists in the list (alternative approach).’);
} else {
    System.debug(‘Department does not exist in the list (alternative approach).’);

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