How can I Use “” to give the information about the changes to the client before deployment to production?

313    Asked by Deepalisingh in Salesforce , Asked on Feb 20, 2024

I have been asked for a specific task that is related to streamlining the development process and providing a regular preview of changes to the client before the process of deployment to production. How can I use the scratch org to streamline the development process so that I can give regular previews of the committed changes to the client before deployment to production? 

 In the context of Salesforce, you can utilize to streamline the development process and provide regular previews of committed changes to the particular client before the process of deployment to production. Here is how you can implement it:-

Creating scratch orgs

You can use the Salesforce command line interface or even the Salesforce UI for creating the scratch orgs.

  Sfdx force:org:create -s -f config/project-scratch-def.json -a MyScratchOrg

Development of customization

Now, you would need to develop customization, Configuration, and code changes in your particular scratch org to fulfill the needs and requirements of the client.

Regularly preview

You can provide the client with access to the scratch org so that they can preview the changes. This would allow them to give feedback and iterate through the process related to the development.

Version control

Try to ensure that all the changes made in the scratch orgs are tracked in version co-trip for maintenance of the record of changes and facilitate collaboration among team members.

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