How can I use the AWS SSM get parameter API for fetching specific parameters based on the different environments?
I am an AWS solutions architect and I am currently working on a particular project in which I need to retrieve the Configuration parameters securely from the AWS system manager parameters store by using the AWS SSM get parameter API. How can I design and also implement a solution for fetching specific parameters based on the different environments?
In the context of AWS, here are the steps given below:-
Designing the solution
Parameters store structure
You can organize parameters in the AWS system manager parameters store with a hierarchy based on environment.
Parameters versioning
You can use the parameters versioning to manage the changes and update to parameters over time. It will ensure traceability and also rollback capabilities.
IAM roles and policies
You should define the IAM roles and also the policies for the purpose of controlling Access to the parameters retrieval based on the environment and the principle of least privilege.
Implementation of the solution
Here is the Java example given below which would demonstrate how you can retrieve the parameters from the AWS system manager parameters store by using the AWS ssm get parameter API:-
Public class ParameterStoreExample {
Public static void main(String[] args) {
// Initialize AWS Systems Manager client
SsmClient ssmClient = SsmClient.builder()
// Define the parameter name and environment (e.g., ‘development’, ‘testing’, ‘production’)
String parameterName = “/myapp/development/param1”;
Try {
// Retrieve the parameter value
GetParameterRequest parameterRequest = GetParameterRequest.builder()
.withDecryption(true) // Decrypt secure string parameters
GetParameterResponse parameterResponse = ssmClient.getParameter(parameterRequest);
String parameterValue = parameterResponse.parameter().value();
System.out.println(“Parameter Value: “ + parameterValue);
} catch (ParameterNotFoundException e) {
System.err.println(“Parameter not found: “ + e.getMessage());
} catch (SsmException e) {
System.err.println(“Error retrieving parameter: “ + e.getMessage());
Here is the Python example given below which demonstrates how you can retrieve the parameters from the AWS system manager parameters store by using the AWS ssm get parameter API:-
Import boto3
Def get_parameter_value(parameter_name, decrypt=True):
Ssm_client = boto3.client(‘ssm’)
# Retrieve the parameter value
Response = ssm_client.get_parameter(
WithDecryption=decrypt # Decrypt secure string parameters
Parameter_value = response[‘Parameter’][‘Value’]
Return parameter_value
Except ssm_client.exceptions.ParameterNotFound:
Print(f”Parameter ‘{parameter_name}’ not found.”)
Except ssm_client.exceptions.SSMException as e:
Print(f”Error retrieving parameter ‘{parameter_name}’: {e}”)
Except Exception as e:
Print(f”An error occurred: {e}”)
# Example usage
If __name__ == ‘__main__’:
# Define the parameter name and environment (e.g., ‘development’, ‘testing’, ‘production’)
Parameter_name = ‘/myapp/development/param1’
# Retrieve the parameter value
Parameter_value = get_parameter_value(parameter_name)
If parameter_value:
Print(f”Parameter Value: {parameter_value}”)