How can I use the “ISBLANK” function?

411    Asked by DanielCameron in Salesforce , Asked on Feb 14, 2024
Answered by Charles Parr

 In the context of Salesforce, here are the explanations given of how you can approach the scenario by using the “ISBLANK” function in apex:-


This particular function of ISBLANK in apex is mainly used in checking whether an expression or field value is blank or null. If the value is null or blank then it would show “true”, otherwise it will show “false”.


You can identify the required fields that must be populated during the time of creation of new customer records. You can use the ISBLANK function to check whether the values of these fields are blank or null. If there is any required files are blank, then it would display an error message to the user which would mean that fields need to be populated.

Here is the example given of how you can use the ISBLANK in Apex for the task of validating the required fields when creating new customer records.

// Define required fields for new customer records

String firstName = ‘John’;
String lastName = ‘Doe’;
String email = ‘’;
Decimal phoneNumber = null;
// Perform validation using ISBLANK
List errorMessages = new List();
If (String.isBlank(firstName)) {
    errorMessages.add(‘First Name is required.’);
If (String.isBlank(lastName)) {
    errorMessages.add(‘Last Name is required.’);
If (String.isBlank(email)) {
    errorMessages.add(‘Email is required.’);
If (String.isBlank(String.valueOf(phoneNumber))) {
    errorMessages.add(‘Phone Number is required.’);
// Display error messages if any required fields are blank
If (!errorMessages.isEmpty()) {
    String errorMessage = ‘Unable to create customer record due to the following errors:
    errorMessage += String.join(errorMessages, ‘
    // Alternatively, you can throw an exception or display the error message in a Visualforce page
} else {
    // Proceed with creating the customer record
    // …

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