How can I write a code by using the “isEmpty” keyword in apex to check if the “caseList” is empty?

237    Asked by Deepabhawana in Salesforce , Asked on Mar 28, 2024

 I am currently engaged in a particular task that is related to developing a Salesforce-based application that can manage customer support cases. In my apex coding, I have a list called “case list” which can contain case objects. My particular task is to check whether this list is empty or not and perform specific actions based on the result. How can I write a code by using the “isWmpty” keyword in apex to check if the “caseList” is empty? If the list is empty, display a message saying “no cases found” Otherwise display the total number of cases in the list. 

Answered by Deepa bhawana

 In the context of Salesforce, here is the apex snippet given by using the “isEmpty” keyword to check if the “case list” is empty and displaying a message accordingly:-

Public class ShipmentProcessor {
    Public static void processShipments(List shipmentList) {
        If (shipmentList.isEmpty()) {
            System.debug(‘No shipments to process.’);
        } else {
            For (Shipment shipment : shipmentList) {
                If (shipment.Status__c == ‘Pending’) {
                    // Update status to “In Transit”
                    Shipment.Status__c = ‘In Transit’;
                    // You may need to perform DML operations to update the record in the database
                    // Example: update shipmentList;
                } else if (shipment.Status__c == ‘Delivered’) {
                    System.debug(‘Shipment with ID ‘ + shipment.Id + ‘ has already been delivered.’);

By using the “isEmpty” method, you can efficiently checking bid a list is empty before performing further operations, avoiding unnecessary processing on an empty list.

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