How can I write a SQOL query by using the wildcard start with the “electronics”?
I am currently working as a Salesforce developer for a retailer company. The company has a custom object called “Product_ _c” which can store information about the various products. Each product has a field called “Product _Name_ _C” which can hold the name of the product. My task is to write an SQOL query by using the wildcard starting with “Electronics”. How can I construct this particular query?
In the context of Salesforce, here is the example given below by using the Java programming language:-
Import com.sforce.soap.enterprise.Connector;
Import com.sforce.soap.enterprise.EnterpriseConnection;
Import com.sforce.soap.enterprise.QueryResult;
Import com.sforce.soap.enterprise.sobject.Product__c;
Public class SalesforceQueryExample {
Public static void main(String[] args) {
// Salesforce credentials
String username = “your_username”;
String password = “your_password”;
String securityToken = “your_security_token”;
String authEndpoint =; // Adjust API version as needed
Try {
// Set up the connection configuration
ConnectorConfig config = new ConnectorConfig();
Config.setPassword(password + securityToken);
// Create the connection
EnterpriseConnection connection = Connector.newConnection(config);
// Construct the SOQL query with wildcard
String soqlQuery = “SELECT Id, Product_Name__c FROM Product__c WHERE Product_Name__c LIKE ‘Electronics%’”;
// Execute the query
QueryResult queryResult = connection.query(soqlQuery);
If (queryResult.getSize() > 0) {
System.out.println(“Products whose names start with ‘Electronics’:”);
For (Product__c product : queryResult.getRecords()) {
System.out.println(“Product ID: “ + product.getId() + “, Name: “ + product.getProduct_Name__c());
} else {
System.out.println(“No products found.”);
// Close the connection
} catch (Exception e) {
Here is the example given in python programming language:-
From simple_salesforce import Salesforce
# Salesforce credentials
Username = ‘your_username’
Password = ‘your_password’
Security_token = ‘your_security_token’
Domain = ‘login’ # for production use ‘login’, for sandbox use ‘test’
# Initialize Salesforce connection
Sf = Salesforce(username=username, password=password, security_token=security_token, domain=domain)
# Define the SOQL query with a wildcard
Soql_query = “SELECT Id, Name, Product_Name__c FROM Product__c WHERE Product_Name__c LIKE ‘Electronics%’”
# Execute the SOQL query
Query_result = sf.query_all(query=soql_query)
# Process the query result
If query_result[‘totalSize’] > 0:
Print(“Products whose names start with ‘Electronics’:”)
For record in query_result[‘records’]:
Product_id = record[‘Id’]
Product_name = record[‘Product_Name__c’]
Print(f”Product ID: {product_id}, Name: {product_name}”)
Print(“No products found.”)
Except Exception as e:
Print(f”An error occurred: {e}”)
# Logout from Salesforce (optional)
# sf.logout()
Here is the html based example given below:-
Document.getElementById(‘soqlForm’).addEventListener(‘submit’, function(event) {
Event.preventDefault(); // Prevent the default form submission
Const query = document.getElementById(‘query’).value;
// Make AJAX request to execute the SOQL query
Const xhr = new XMLHttpRequest();‘POST’, ‘’, true); // Replace with your Salesforce endpoint URL
Xhr.setRequestHeader(‘Content-Type’, ‘application/json’);
Xhr.onload = function() {
If (xhr.status >= 200 && xhr.status < 300 xss=removed xss=removed xss=removed xss=removed> 0) {
const records = result.records;
const resultList = document.createElement(‘ul’);
records.forEach(record => {
const listItem = document.createElement(‘li’);
listItem.textContent = `Product ID: ${record.Id}, Name: ${record.Product_Name__c}`;
} else {
queryResultDiv.textContent = ‘No products found.’;