How can I write && in Apex if statement?

482    Asked by DianeCarr in Salesforce , Asked on Aug 29, 2023

I want to know the proper way to write && condition in Apex and to check whether the condition if(days Difference < 14 xss=removed>

The code is as follows:

List ptoevents = new List();
List ptorequest =;
for(Thrive_HR_PTO_Request__c ptr : ptorequest) {
    datetime StartDate = ptr.Start_Date__c;
    datetime EndDate = ptr.End_Date__c;
    date StartDateOnly =; 
    date EndDateOnly =;
    Integer daysDifference = StartDateOnly.daysBetween(EndDateOnly);
    if(daysDifference < 14 xss=removed>        Event evt = new Event(
            Subject='Sicktastic' + ' on ' + + ' to ' +,
            IsAllDayEvent = ptr.All_Day_Event__c
        // add events to record
    else if (daysDifference >= 14) {
        ptr.End_Date__c.addError('You can not exceed more than 14 days');
     insert ptoevents;
Answered by Buffy Heaton

There is a problem with ptr.All_Day_Event__c = true because you assign a value to your variable using =, whereas you have to compare the value using ==, but the logical operator && is okay. All you need to do is improve the code a bit.

There is no need to have prt.All_Day_Event__c == true if All_Day_Event__c is a Boolean field. The if block will run if both the conditions return true.

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