How is SOQL IN different from NOT IN operator?

518    Asked by ChrisEVANS in Salesforce , Asked on Sep 6, 2023

 In SOQL, will there be any advantage if I use the “IN” operator instead of “NOT IN”? If there are any performance benefits, what are they? Or is SOQL not in the same as SOQL IN?

I have a use case in which I have to filter the records based on a certain column, for instance, Region, which has many different values. NOT IN is preferred because, for filtration, only a bit of those values will be used.

For example, let us consider that there are 10 different values in Region: 1. NJ 2. NY 3. … 

10. CL. The NOT IN will only have, say, NJ and NY.

Answered by Dhruv tiwari

I think that instead of using NOT IN, you should use a selective query like IN. In your where clause, when you have IN, the records writing NOT IN get restricted by the query then. In the above case, unless you are trying to get the records that are based on regions that do not have NJ and NY, it will not do much.

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