How to add conditional logic IF THEN SF HTML email templates?

3.9K    Asked by DavidEdmunds in Salesforce , Asked on Mar 6, 2023

 I'm struggling with adding IF, THEN condition to my HTML Classic Email template and hoping someone can help.

I am trying to say if the Cohort Owner's name is 'X', then post the X link, if the Cohort Owner's name is 'Y', then post the Y link and if the Cohort Owner's name is 'Z' then paste the Z link.

This is the statement I am using in SF that is not outputting what I'd like

{!IF({!Cohorts__c.OwnerFirstName} = "Bob", "Boblink", " ")}
{!IF({!Cohorts__c.OwnerFirstName} = "Tim", "Timlink", " ")}
{!IF({!Cohorts__c.OwnerFirstName} = "Anna", "Annalink", " ")}
This is the output it gives me when I send an email.
 = "Bob", "Boblink", " ")} = "Tim", "Timlink", " ")} = "Anna", "Annalink", " ")}
I'd like the output to be dependent on Cohort Owner and have the output as, i.e Here is.. Annalink (if Cohort Owner is Anna)

Any suggestions?

Answered by Darsh K

To add conditional logic IF THEN SF HTML email templates - Merge fields start with {! and end with }. You do not use {! or } within the merge field. In addition, you can use a CASE statement, which is easier to read.

  "Bob", "Boblink",
  "Tim", "Timlink",
  "Anna", "Annalink",
Or, if you prefer the IF statements, you can nest them together:
{!IF(Cohorts__c.OwnerFirstName = "Bob", "Boblink",
IF(Cohorts__c.OwnerFirstName = "Tim", "Timlink",
IF(Cohorts__c.OwnerFirstName = "Anna", "Annalink", " ")))}

Your Answer

Answer (1)

Adding conditional logic to HTML email templates in Salesforce Marketing Cloud can be achieved using AMPscript. AMPscript is a scripting language specifically designed for use in Salesforce Marketing Cloud that allows you to personalize content and create conditional logic within your email templates. Here's a basic example of how you can implement conditional logic using IF-THEN statements in AMPscript:

var @variable1, @variable2
set @variable1 = "value1"
set @variable2 = "value2"
if @variable1 == "value1" then
  /* Display specific content when @variable1 equals "value1" */
  /* Display alternative content when @variable1 does not equal "value1" */
if @variable2 == "value2" then
  /* Display specific content when @variable2 equals "value2" */
  /* Display alternative content when @variable2 does not equal "value2" */

Replace "value1", "value2", and the condition checks with your actual variables and conditions. You can use any valid AMPscript functions and operators within the conditional statements to tailor the logic to your specific requirements.

Replace "value1", "value2", and the condition checks with your actual variables and conditions. You can use any valid AMPscript functions and operators within the conditional statements to tailor the logic to your specific requirements.

Remember to test your email thoroughly to ensure that the conditional logic behaves as expected across different scenarios and email clients. Additionally, make sure to follow best practices for HTML email development to ensure compatibility and deliverability.

Remember to test your email thoroughly to ensure that the conditional logic behaves as expected across different scenarios and email clients. Additionally, make sure to follow best practices for HTML email development to ensure compatibility and deliverability.

8 Months


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