How to apply relative dates Salesforce to filter reports?

343    Asked by DavidEDWARDS in Salesforce , Asked on Aug 29, 2023

While applying the relative dates Slesforce, I use the below filter in reports if I want to generate a report based on the date range for my end user:

Issued date greater or equal to 01/01/2016 (start date) AND Issused date less or equal to 31/12/2016 (end date --> always 1 year from start date)

I am looking for a formula in the filter so that when my end-user enters any start date, Salesforce will automatically compute 1 year from the start date.

As far as I know, there is no formula. Salesforce only supports data literals, such as "THIS YEAR," "LAST YEAR," or even "NEXT 6 MONTHS".

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