How to call the imperative apex method from connectedCallback() in LWC?

1.8K    Asked by dipesh_9001 in Salesforce , Asked on May 16, 2023

I want to call an imperative method in connectedCallback() because at the time of lwc loading I want to prepopulate some data into lwc.

I am returning wrapper class data from the apex. Trying the below snippet of code to get that in js but in error also not able to get's not going to result at all. Can anyone help me through this?


@AuraEnabled public static personDataWrapper       getPersonTimeZone(Id loanReqId) {     Loan_Request__c lr =         [ select Id, Name, Leads__c, Account__c, Account__r.Name, Leads__r.Timezone__c, Leads__r.FirstName,           Leads__r.LastName,           Status__c from Loan_Request__c where Id =:loanReqId ];     personDataWrapper pdw = new personDataWrapper();          if(lr.Leads__c != NULL){       pdw.personName = lr.Leads__r.FirstName + ' ' + lr.Leads__r.LastName;     }else{       pdw.personName = lr.Account__r.Name;     }     pdw.timezoneValue = lr.Leads__r.Timezone__c;     pdw.loanRequestName = lr.Name;     pdw.currentDt =;     if (lr.Status__c.contains('Closed')) {       pdw.isLRClosed = true;     } else {       pdw.isLRClosed = false;     }     return pdw;   } public   class personDataWrapper {     @AuraEnabled public String personName {       get;       set;     }     @AuraEnabled public String timezoneValue {       get;       set;     }     @AuraEnabled public String loanRequestName {       get;       set;     }     @AuraEnabled public Boolean isLRClosed {       get;       set;     }     @AuraEnabled public DateTime currentDt {       get;       set;     }   }
LWC :   
connectedCallback() {     console.log('In connected call back function....');     getPersonZone({loanReqId: this.recordId})         .then(result => {           console.log(result.records[0].personName);           /* console.log('In connected call back result....');            this.loanrequestdata = result;            console.log('The loanrequestdata ' + this.loanrequestdata);            console.log(                '==result.Leads__r.FirstName===' + loanrequestdata.personName);            this.timeZone = this.loanrequestdata.timezoneValue;            if (this.loanrequestdata.personName != null &&                this.loanrequestdata.personName != '') {              this.title =                  'Callback for Loan Inquiry ' + this.loanrequestdata.personName;            }            this.dateTimeFieldValue = this.loanrequestdata.currentDt;*/         })         .catch(error => {           console.log('In connected call back error....');           this.error = error;           console.log('Error is ' + this.error);         }); }
​​​​​​​Template :     

Answered by Diya tomar
To call imperative apex method from connectedCallback() in LWC -
Here's the culprit: console.log(result.records[0].personName);

getPersonTimeZone returns a single instance of personDataWrapper class, which doesn't have a records property, so doing result.records[0] you're trying to access an undefined parameter, thus the exception.

By the way, console.log() takes a list of objects to output, so there is no need to concatenate them as string, you could and should pass them as different parameters so you'll never see again [object Object]. The same goes for, console.warn(), console.error() and so on.

connectedCallback() { console.log('In connected call back function....'); getPersonZone({loanReqId: this.recordId}) .then((result) => { console.log(result.personName); /* console.log('In connected call back result....'); this.loanrequestdata = result; console.log('The loanrequestdata ' + this.loanrequestdata); console.log('==result.Leads__r.FirstName===' + loanrequestdata.personName); this.timeZone = this.loanrequestdata.timezoneValue; if (this.loanrequestdata.personName && this.loanrequestdata.personName.length > 0) { this.title = 'Callback for Loan Inquiry ' + this.loanrequestdata.personName; } this.dateTimeFieldValue = this.loanrequestdata.currentDt;*/ }) .catch((error) => { console.log('In connected call back error....'); this.error = error; // This way you are not to going to see [object Object] console.log('Error is', this.error); }); }

Your Answer

Answer (1)

To call an imperative Apex method from the connectedCallback() in Lightning Web Component (LWC), follow these steps:1. Import the Apex Method

First, you need to import the Apex method in your LWC JavaScript file. Use the @salesforce/apex module to do this.

import { LightningElement, track } from 'lwc';

import getApexData from '@salesforce/apex/YourApexController.getApexData';

2. Implement connectedCallback()

In your LWC JavaScript file, define the connectedCallback() lifecycle hook. Inside this method, call the imported Apex method imperatively using JavaScript then and catch promises.

connectedCallback() {
fetchData() {
        .then(result => {
            // Handle the result
            console.log('Data received:', result);
        .catch(error => {
            // Handle the error
            console.error('Error:', error);

3. Handle Data and Errors

In the .then block, you process the data returned from the Apex method. In the .catch block, handle any errors that occur during the call.

Example Implementation

Here is a complete example:

JavaScript (yourComponent.js)import { LightningElement, track } from 'lwc';
import getApexData from '@salesforce/apex/YourApexController.getApexData';
export default class YourComponent extends LightningElement {
    @track data;
    @track error;
    connectedCallback() {
    fetchData() {
            .then(result => {
       = result;
                console.log('Data received:', result);
            .catch(error => {
                this.error = error;
                console.error('Error:', error);

HTML (yourComponent.html)

HTML (yourComponent.html)


Ensure that your Apex method is annotated with @AuraEnabled(cacheable=true) if you intend to cache the result.

Handle both the data and potential errors appropriately to ensure a good user experience.

By following these steps, you can successfully call an imperative Apex method from the connectedCallback() in your LWC.

9 Months


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