How to find jquery get all elements id starts with or ends with in visual force?

1.2K    Asked by AashnaSaito in Salesforce , Asked on Sep 22, 2022

I am trying to search all input elements that start with a particular set of characters such as 'idAcc' where my VF page has two input fields with id = idAccFN and id= idAccLN respectively.


I'm using the below JQuery syntax but that's working partially ... Explained in the comments below .. Kindly help.

 var j$ = jQuery.noConflict();
    jQuery( 'input[id$=Name]' ).val('Foo');  // ID ending with Name working 
    jQuery( 'input[id^=idAcc]' ).val('Apu')  //Id starting with idAcc not working 

Answered by Amit verma

Regarding the jquery get all elements Id starts with or ends with visualforce, your set gets prepended by VF, so you need to do a "contains" selector. And if you want each element on the page, you need to use a ".each", like this:

jQuery( 'input[id*=Name]' ).each(function(el){
  el.val('Foo'); // do something with the input here.

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