How To Register In Webassessor.Com For Salesforce Certification For The First Time?

955    Asked by AmitSinha in Salesforce , Asked on Nov 17, 2022

I am trying to register in  salesforce for the first time for my Salesforce Admin certification and I got an option to pick as below

SFDC Employee
SFDC Customer

SFDC Partner

Which one should I give opt for? Also have an option Verification Opt-In: Yes or No to choose

Is there any significance to this?

Answered by Amit Sinha

Choose customer initially. Partner is for special circumstances like a company that is an ISV or consulting partner for example, and employee is for an employee of webassesor Salesforce directly. If they ask for a company name just list n/a for now. Later on if you become a consultant the company name field will become important for bubbling your certifications up on the company's AppExchange profile.

The opt in for verification is in reference to the verification site ( If you opt-in, you'll be publicly visible on the site if someone enters your details.

Training related additional info: Make sure to check out Trailhead if you haven't yet. That is an indispensable resource for learning. Additionally the documentation online at is of course very useful, particularly for getting specifics of a class or method.

Trailhead: DeveloperForce:

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