How to resolve the error - eperm operation not permitted?

1.7K    Asked by FerminaZamorano in Salesforce , Asked on Mar 2, 2023

Went to create a new scratch org, and got a warning:

Warning: sfdx-cli update available from 7.102.0 to 7.104.0.

The scratch org was created without issue, but I figured I may as well update to the latest CLI version. I ran sfdx update and get the following error:

PS C:UsersA PersonProjectsBluVectorSalesVector> sfdx update
sfdx-cli: Updating CLI from 7.102.0-dd7aac3 to 7.104.0-8acfa0e... done
sfdx-cli: Updating CLI... done
    Error: EPERM: operation not permitted, unlink 'C:UsersA PersonAppDataLocalsfdxclient7.102.0-dd7aac3binnode.exe'
    Code: EPERM

The batch file cannot be found.

Answered by David Piper

To resolve the error - eperm operation not permitted - I added the location to environment variables and it's working fine now. For those who didn't understand anything I said above, What I did was,

I went to the location specified in the error.

  Copied the location.(Here, its here => C:UsersA PersonAppDataLocalsfdxclient.102.0-dd7aac3in)

Search for environment variables in windows search bar

  Select 'Edit the System Environment Variables' and press the 'Environment Variables' button under 'Advanced' Tab.

Select path and click on edit. Click New.

  Paste the location. Here, it is => C:UsersA PersonAppDataLocalsfdxclient.102.0-dd7aac3in

Click Ok for all windows and restart your VSCode. It's Done !

Your Answer

Answer (1)

The "EPERM: operation not permitted" error typically occurs in Unix-like systems when a user or a process tries to perform an operation that it doesn't have the necessary permissions for. Here are several ways to resolve this error:

1. Check File/Directory Permissions:

Ensure that you have the appropriate permissions to access or modify the file or directory in question.

  # To check permissionsls -l /path/to/file/or/directory# To change permissions (e.g., to add write permissions)chmod +w /path/to/file/or/directory# To change ownership

sudo chown yourusername:yourgroup /path/to/file/or/directory

2. Run as Administrator or with sudo:

If you're performing an operation that requires administrative privileges, try running the command with sudo.

  sudo your_command_here

3. Check for Read-Only Filesystem:

Make sure the filesystem is not mounted as read-only.

  # To check the mount statusmount | grep /path/to/mount# To remount as read-writesudo mount -o remount,rw /path/to/mount

4. Check for Locked Files:

Some files might be locked by other processes, preventing modification.

  # To check if a file is being usedlsof /path/to/file# To kill the process using the file (be cautious with this)sudo kill -9 PID

5. Update/Repair Software:

If the error is related to a specific software, try updating or reinstalling it.

  # For npm (Node.js) usersnpm cache clean --forcenpm install -g npm# For other package managers

sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get upgrade

6. Check SELinux/AppArmor Policies:

Security modules like SELinux or AppArmor may be restricting access.

  # For SELinux (check status)sestatus# Temporarily disable SELinux (not recommended for production)sudo setenforce 0

  # For AppArmor (disable a specific profile)

sudo aa-disable /path/to/profile

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