How to resolve the error - The value 'null' is not valid for operator '>='

812    Asked by DipikaAgarwal in Salesforce , Asked on May 16, 2023

I'm trying a rendered="{!If(Size<4> but I keep getting the following error:

VisualForce Page

END.: {!}, CEP: {!}, {!}-{!}
Ass: {!}
CPF: {!}


public Integer avalistasSize {get; set;} public List  getAvalist(){ if(avalista==null){ avalista=[SELECT Id,contactId, contact.Name,contact.CPF__c,contact.MailingCity,contact.MailingStreet,contact.MailingState, contact.MailingPostalCode, contact.Procurador_do_Contato__r.Name, contact.Procurador_do_Contato__r.CPF__c FROM OpportunityContactRole WHERE OpportunityId =: idOpp ]; } avalistasSize = avalista.size();
Answered by Ella Clarkson
        To resolve the error - The value 'null' is not valid for operator '>='In your controller (or extension), you do not set a value for avalistasSize until getAvalist() is called.

I don't have any documentation to point to for the order in which merge expressions are processed in Visualforce, but I'd expect that it's the typical "left to right, top to bottom" order. If that is the case, then that can provide an explanation for your error. You use avalistasSize before setting a value

avalistasSize is null

Salesforce complains that you're trying to compare against a null value
You never hit the call to getAvalist() that would set avalistasSize
This can be fixed in more than one way, but the main point here is that you need to ensure that your properties have values before they're used (or as they're used, if lazy loading is appropriate for your scenario).
Given what you've shown us here, I'd probably just recommend turning List avalista into an automatic property, and run the query to populate it (and avalistasSize) in the constructor of your controller/extension.
Things of the form if(, true, false) can be reduced to simplify .

can become

Your Answer

Answer (1)

The error "The Value 'Null' Is Not Valid For Operator '>='" typically occurs when a comparison operation in your code or query involves a NULL value. The >= operator (greater than or equal to) cannot handle NULL because NULL represents an unknown value. Here are steps to resolve this issue:

1. Check for NULL Values

Identify: Determine which column or variable might contain NULL. Review your data and query conditions.

Example: In a SQL query, if you're filtering with column >= value, ensure column does not contain NULL.

2. Use Conditional Checks

Handle NULLs Explicitly: Modify your code to account for NULL values before performing comparisons.

Example: In SQL, use IS NULL or COALESCE to handle NULL.

FROM table
WHERE COALESCE(column, 0) >= value;

3. Modify Logic to Exclude NULLs

Filter Out NULLs: Adjust your query or logic to exclude NULL values.

Example: Add a condition to exclude NULL values.

FROM table
WHERE column IS NOT NULL AND column >= value;

4. Data Cleaning

Update or Replace NULLs: If feasible, update your dataset to replace NULL values with default values.


UPDATE table
SET column = 0

5. Programming Language-Specific Solutions

Handle NULLs in Code: Ensure your programming language handles NULL values correctly.

Example in Python

value = data.get('column', 0)  # Default to 0 if 'column' is None
if value >= threshold:
    # Proceed with logic
4 Months


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